Decade of 1980

The company was founded in Bandung on June 25, 1979 under the name "PT Asuransi Jasa Tania" based on the notarial deed of Kartini Muljadi, SH which was announced in an additional State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia dated 30/10-1979 no 87 and has obtained a Business License from the Director General of Domestic Monetary Number : Kep-7175/MD/1986. Initially the Company's operational activities were limited to PT Perkebunan I - XXIX with a network of 5 Branch Offices and 1 Representative Office.

Along with the development of business activities, in 1987 the Company has changed its name to "PT Asuransi Jasa Tania", and moved its domicile from Bandung to Jakarta.

Decade of 1990

In an effort to provide better services to the wider community, in this period the Company added operational networks to 7 Branch Offices and 2 Representative Offices. During this Decade the Company has developed its target market in the banking sector, State-Owned Enterprises and Private-Owned Enterprises.

Decade of 2000

In the decade of 2000 the Company underwent a major change by going public into a public company in 2003 so that the name of the Company changed to "PT Asuransi Jasa Tania, Tbk". To support operations, the Company has expanded its distribution network to 8 Branch Offices and 4 Marketing Offices as well as using online systems throughout the office network to improve services to customers.

Decade of 2010

In 2013 the Company re-branding the logo and changing the Corporate Image as an effort to develop the Company's brand image. The products offered are increasingly varied by developing retail products such as JT Oto, JT Griya, JT Care, Livestock Insurance, and Plantation Crop Insurance. In 2015, the Company undertook a Corporate Action by splitting the nominal value of shares to increase the number of outstanding shares (stock split), as well as developing a distribution network by expanding market coverage through 13 Branch Offices and 10 Marketing Offices.

Decade of 2020

During more than 40 years of its work (contribution), the Company realized the changing business that is increasingly growing. Therefore, the Company is strengthening its steps to develop the retail market and online distribution channels. In order to support online marketing, at the end of 2020 the company developed a mobile application called “JASTAN APPS” to make it easier for the public to access the Company’s products and services.
The Company always strives to improve information security standards and service quality to customers in an integrated, easy, fast, precise and proactive manner by making continuous innovations and improvements. In 2020, the Company obtained the Information Security Management System certicatifion in Transportation Insurance Services based on the Mobile Application of ISO/IEC 27001:2013, to complete the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certification that was achieved in the previous period.